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Valorem Visions 2.11 – Site Reliability Engineering

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Valorem Visions 2.11 – Site Reliability Engineering

Adam Stigall February 13, 2024


Valorem Visions 2.11 – Site Reliability Engineering


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In this episode of Valorem Visions, our expert Adam Stigall takes a look back at his 2023 vision and discusses how AI and ML will impact site reliability engineering so that IT organizations can focus less on operational efficiency and more on innovation.




What is the Trend?

In 2024, my Valorem Visions is the continuation and expansion of site reliability practices in IT organizations, with the inclusion and adoption of AI and Machine Learning.

Previously on Valorem Visions
One area in particular, where we're seeing a significant focus from our customers is the capability to build reliable mission-critical applications that are able to scale and sustain themselves during periods of increased workload and heavy demand.

Why is this Trend important?

Last year, I talked about a growing trend in IT for the adoption of site reliability practices among IT organizations. Site reliability engineering continues to trend and is becoming an influential approach to enabling software engineers to focus less on operational efficiency and more on innovation. In fact, in December of 2023, Forbes listed site reliability engineering as the third highest paying job. This tells me that enterprises are seeing a lot of value from SRE adoption and practice. A study published by Gartner last year shows that by 2025, 40% of organizations will implement chaos engineering practices as part of site reliability engineering initiatives. The study also showed that by 2025, organizations that invest in building digital immunity will increase customer satisfaction by decreasing downtime by 80%. And by 2027, 75% of enterprises will use site reliability engineering practices across all of their organizations. Technology leaders today are viewing site reliability engineering as a competitive advantage by decreasing downtime and increasing customer satisfaction. And developing a mature site reliability practice continues to be a top priority for most organizations. this year and for the next few years. I believe we will not only continue to see organizations adopt and expand SRE practices but we will also start to see AI and Machine Learning emerge as influencers in those practices. SREs will leverage AI to analyze massive amounts of data, detect patterns and anomalies, and create more accurate predictions. This is a very exciting time as organizations begin to invest in better automation and intelligence to stay ahead of their competition. If you are looking to start a new site reliability practice for your organization, just looking for more help or want to learn how AI can improve your SRE practice then Valorem Reply has the tools and the people that are ready to help you.

Valorem Visions  Integrating AI into core products